Title: Lieutenant, Patrol Division
Badge Number: 815
Joined LUPD: 2/11/1991; promoted to Lieutentant in 2018
Contact Information: bk00@lehigh.edu
More about me...
Brian began his career at Lehigh University as a Guard in 1991, then was promoted in Police Officer the same year. During the 30 years that followed, Brian was promoted to Corporal in 1997, then Sergeant in 2004, and most recently to Lieutenant in 2018. During his free time, he enjoys gardening, working outdoors, golfing, and spending time at the beach. Brian is married to his wife, Nancy, and they have one son and six grandchildren, as well as a Boston Terrier named Layla.
Why I enjoy working at Lehigh..."The Lehigh community and staff are great people. I love the aspect that we deal with all types of cultural diversity in the greater Lehigh community. I was always taught that no matter what the situation is, you should always strive to do your best and respect all you come upon. Over the past 31 years, I've met and stayed friends with numerous Lehigh students and staff. It's always an honor when they see you and remember you when they come back and visit Lehigh."